You are the instrument. The Divine Self as the instrument, you design and support the means of the external balance of life and earth. You are the instrument to measure the balance within you and planet.

Calibrate, as One.  

Mountain of love is the most cherished way to climb the highest.
We announce our sorrows, desperation and our hearts desire to surrender.
We are gifted this life to not only enjoy but to share with others.
We are more than we think, do and have. Yet, we are asking for more answers as the answers are never apart from us.
We extend our gratitude. Yet, only for a moment as we get sidetracked because life does that to us.
At least, the mind will create that excuse.
Your destiny is not a place.
Neither is joy and sadness.
Neither is abundance or sorrow.
All play a huge part of creative force to deepen this experience of oneness or perhaps just this humanness.
We double the effort to make this happen even if we know deep inside of us is actually effortless and no longer simplifying the mind and let the tricks be told.
Our mind is exceptional!
Our thoughts are programs.
The truth is not necessarily where the mind sits.
The heart of it all as some truly the heart.
The chambers are collective energies programming not the past but the situations that no longer serve your distant mind.
It collects information. It leaves you with emotions and guides you at the right direction.

Yes, your Heart!

That is a real truth of your beingness and how you can create this magnificent body to co-create an entire universal beloved love within!
There is that union you will never find in time.
Only in space, timeless, boundless, effortless you—the Universe!