The Greatest Magic
If we were to say our very core of how we show up to this planet is to reveal the essence of union. We would say, the 5th Dimension is your reality at its best looking at all with too many ring bearers, joining forces together, to marry the wand and the witches and warlocks.
Yes. This is a time we see the magic within. The witches and warlocks within all of us. What does this look like? We say, for every cell in our bodies that function very efficient to keep all your organs alive- that hint of unified energy is literally swimming in all of you. The energy of the realm of witches and warlocks are seeping through these energies, like God whispering to you and letting you know we are One. This realm consists of many ways to ignite the magic within. To create a potion of lubricants to your joints is heavily, painstakingly from your words. Yes your words. Witches do not give, they catch spells, words into the stream of blood, water and unified energy we are all swimming in. Then these words are pulsating into the membranes of all your organs and acute to its memory to survive, it will heal itself by the words we say to ourselves. Such as love myself today. “I am creatively making union of my art and creation for this planet. I am a pulsating unified field and no one is separate, therefore I resist anything as I know I will receive everything, if not. So I surrender to my own divine”.
This is where the warlocks gather and saints gives them the ride to its eternal love. No potion will ever reach. Then the words will be—I am the ride, seat and the carriage that will bring me home. The potion to create when we gather as witches and warlocks into place the carriage and the horse back to its path - so to find the castle within us. Then marry the light and the dark - wishing nothing to exist. To promote this event, the witches will gather and create a fire. The broomsticks are alive. Giving more treasures to uphold for the bigger event. The warlocks dances around the fire to bring the cosmos alive into its crystallized creation ready to give birth. While fire gets bigger and bigger- the same post we unite the bread, butter and wine. Jesus said to his disciples into ask a witch for the greater blend of wine and the bread bigger that the bread box. That wine carries the pulsating gifts of the membranes of new realities. Who to say, is the father and mother of this new creation. No need to parent as all are children of God. Who to say is much higher in consciousness? Who is the child of God who is willing to give up their names. So, perhaps the witch and warlocks will unite and bless the children who are born to see the fast turns of this planet engagement. To one dimension to another, then unite the carriage, the horse and the path- within. All are the magic of many collaborating in its existence to welcome the new earth further than they can create right now.
Who is viewing this miraculous essence? The Gods and Goddesses! The Gods and Goddesses are in due time to rise and make love no war within. Truth begs for nothing. The joy sits with honoring the dead and the living. Can’t tell the difference. Empathetically yours The Gods says. Truly in your hearts the Goddesses pronounce.
In many of our messages, why not take the sword of the warlock and the potion for the highest love carry nothing else. Realize the saints marching in will provide the rest. The omnipresence participates gathers more energy for us! The stars, and more galaxies than ever before. But humans will take on. It will decide. In form you will see the heart of it all, is looking through no glass hour waiting for that sand to fall. But you are that —timeless being looking through the form. This form can morph, manifest, shift its shape and form. You are not the human that seeks. You are the human either energy that pulsates in every nano second to perform your highest energy to proceed without matter.
As the 3rd Dimension does call for pain. So you c as n reach the other dimensions without effort. Your called for this now. Who? All of you. Who, all in you! The cells. The army. The real army of cells. That do not conduct atrocities, separation, and intention that bullies the other. Your cells in your body manipulates its form. Light sparks to unite with others. Then your organs are running like magic. Here are again back to magic. Who has the wand? Broomstick that can fly? The sword that sharpens itself? All of you! All is you.
The wand of your lighting energy to burst into flames. We mean metaphorically. You are fire! An attractor of pseudo-writing. Which means who can write your life you want. The magic is here. The broomstick that will fly. That is in your mind and heart in union. The broomstick does not need direction. It pulsates and it driven to fly high. Young heart does the same. Can you ride you heart? Yes, you can. But in moments of surrender. You can fly without sacrificing the past and worried about the future. It only means you are here. Right here where no past regrets exist and the future does not see you or demand from you. You are it! But it’s not a hide and seek. Nothing is hiding and no one is seeking. You are it. The vastness of this love, creative force and the light that engages in multitudes of realities - and yes you are it - to choose what reality you want.
To manifest the greatest magic, no trick in your sleeve- to remember you are the one you are looking for- the magician, the witch and the warlock. Nope it’s not a show. You are it. The brave souls walking side by side nothing to achieve and nothing to prove. But to fully be in conscious of him or her as once a star before your name. Walk like you are it. Decide that you are it. Because you are that—The extension of Source. Pretending to be somebody and acting as if you know everything. Decide this as we end this download, call your inner guidance and share this, “I am on the right divine timing pathless and footless terrain. The buck does not stop here. It serves me as you, me and others as illusions that there is separation. Count no more blessings as you are that —the one that carries the blessed one. To share the pure essence you were once and now even more so as you remember “you are That”—The extension of Source. Looking as somebody and enjoying oneself.
True messages does not complicate. This entire download came from multiple disciples of Jesus. The energy of Christ, the parts of Buddha and heroism voyage of Muhammad. They are not one message. But hundreds of frequencies combined turned into words for you to share, Atou- messenger of God and the Surrendering Goddess. As you are my dear one. As you are.
And, so it is