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Caring for Others

Caring for Others


Could we begin this year with kindness and love? But there is someone in our lives that do not simply keep their words in kindness and love. However, we present ourselves in this new year arrived, you are more than you think you are.

Prophecy is tenet of all we do as human beings. We prepare ourselves for big events and goals we must meet every year. The same as being true to ourselves is a goal we must meet.  Yet we do not meet this in commitment every year. Destiny does not exist.  We have said this before. So, New Years resolution is quite an overstatement for the human core values. Because the very goal, if we must say that, is really to care for others. This is not a goal. This is an everyday notion of good deed. The sentiment of Ego will say, of course, we care. But isn’t a broad statement to include that many of us feel unloved, desperate for connection, integral connection with higher power, or simply being seen from others who are too busy to care other than themselves.

No one is left behind in this world to live a beautiful life. This is not some superficial note we arrive to. This is not a glamorizing the ethical mind. This is also not about counting our blessings and yet do otherwise to mistaken as right doing. There is a motive in our intentions, whether we commit to our bravery to live this human form or to climb out of it, in regret. There is no such thing as suffering is life. Life is suffered because we wanted to feel better out of the good and pushed away the bad. Does this count as many goals in our new year? No. We simply count our time, and not waste in any form of gestures that do not serve this human form. We regret doing things or not doing things because we perform out of losing time. Perform from time well spent even if you are practicing sitting in moments to come and have no drive to seek for any attention. That is not wasted. Wasted time is when we create double standard comments and then do something else.

Now, lets come back to the title of this blog, Caring for Others. You are not what you think. You are not what you think. This is very important to see and feel in your deepest core of human experience. The thinking is not the problem. Ego is not the problem. It is our past living in the present moment denying everything that exist of who you truly are, truth and love in action. Now caring for others is simply seeing your manifestation of gestures you are creating from the past and seeking for others to be in this moment of illusion. Until this is realized in your consciousness of Love and God, you will persist living in the past in the present moment then asking for attentiveness from others. Caring for others is truthfully no longer seeing them as the past, present or future. They are within the calibration of the Universe, performing through them as Love and God. This is Truth. The ideas of others and yourself are attentiveness to a complete illusion. Caring for others is an initiation for your Truth to be discovered, untitled, no gestures from the past, and no longer asking for any attention from others. This is caring for others. Without analyzing the torment of Ego and deciding the performance of joy. Destiny is not real. To know you are caring for others is seeing commitment of calibrating your past to anew and bring present joy in every moment without complicating others’ way of seeing their performance as this human coordination. The human performance of this calibrating the new you.



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